Restoring continues in Porto Brandao
End of 2022 we bought a tiny house in Porto Brandao. There is more works as we had foreseen if we want to do a good job but it is worthwhile as the house is so cute.
Every time we go further in our quest for sustainable authenticity. For the inside, we used ecological isolation in cork from Portuguese producer Amorim . For the outside we bought the Italian Celenit eco isolation at Lusomatec. We bought old stock of Portuguese tiles from Cortico & Netos, Portuguese taps from Bruma. Our plugs and switches are made in Germany in bakelite by THPG. The floor tiles are made by hand by Terracota Do Algarve. The wooden floor is made from Portuguese pine. The windows are in wood with special handles matching the house style, made in Portugal too by Carpilux.
We bought 1950s kitchen furniture and have it adapted by cutting up and cleaning up the marble. We've already ordered an eco mattress from Bestbed from Policolchoes. The heating and airco is the most efficient by Daikin and we are studying the addition of solar panels.

To illustrate the work on the back wall, here you see the steps:
We bought it like this

2. The wall was stripped of bad parts

3. The wall was cemented

4. Not sure we should have done this step but we didn't think the house needed isolation so we went ahead

5. We added the isolation

6. We finished the wall, ready to be painted. At the back you can already see the cables for airconditioning and washing machine.
