Where to shop in Lisbon?
Lisbon has incredible, authentic stores. Our preference goes to beautiful interiors with quality products or day-to-day Portuguese stores.
Recently tons of souvenir stores have opened, selling cheap import. It becomes harder to even spot the difference as they falsely claim "artesanata" (hand made). In our street there is many of them mixed with remaining antique stores. Portuguese people don't buy in these so if you're after authentic these stores are a no-go.
We strongly discourage buying tiles. In many cases houses are robbed to get these. It is impossible to know - even in the chique stores - if the origin is legitimate.
Most photos below come from a wonderful site "Lojas com Historia" (shops with a history)
Gold & silver
Let's start with the most precious souvenir: jewellery ( bracelets, necklaces, earrings, broches and rings, etc. ) or silverware ( platters, bowls, boxes, tea services and cutlery ). Store started in 1870, rebuilt in 1940.
Ourivesaria Sarmento
Rua Áurea 251
Buttons, lace, wool, ...
Opened in 1915 as a haberdashery and still today a remarkable store. In the age of Ready-to-Wear it's time to appreciate the repair or making of clothing.
Retrosaria Bijou
Rua da Conceição 91
Wide selection
One of the rare addresses we present that has no long history yet that is unique in bringing in a variety of typical Portuguese products that were disappearing from the shops. A success story with now several outlets.
A Vida Portuguesa
Largo do Intendente Pina Manique 23
( Sun ) Glasses
Nice selection of sunglasses including Mykita. Classic interior on the busiest street of the oldest part of town, Baixa.
Óptica Jomil
Rua de São Marçal, nº 194
A tiny but exquisite shop selling only gloves. For your convertible ride or to protect from cold, this is an article you must buy here.
Luvaria Ulisses
Rua do Carmo 87-A
This is Lisbon’s oldest shop and has been in the same premises, owned by the same family and producing and selling the same products since 1789.
Caza das Vellas Loreto
Rua de São Marçal, nº 194
Linens & towels
We get all sheets and towels from this store (°1888). The finest cotton, traditional designs made in Portugal, a beautiful store with excellent service.
Paris em Lisboa
Rua Garrett 77
Coffee & Tea
Since 1913, this fine grocery store has selected what it considers to be the best products. It is still one of the best places to buy Port wines.
Casa Macário
Rua Augusta 272
Tin cans
A specialist since 1930 in tin cans so typical of Portugal. Cod, sardines, tuna, salmon, octopus, mackerel, eel, trout – and mostly all caught in Portuguese waters.
Conserveira de Lisboa
Rua dos Bacalhoeiros 34/34A
A mix of modern and classic hats and hoods in a store of 1886. But the shop doesn’t stock just hats – it also sells gloves, walking sticks and umbrellas.
Chapelaria Azevedo Rua
Praça D. Pedro IV 73
Iron and copper
Take home a typical Portuguese "cataplana" (picture) or one of the many other copper objects. This is where we buy all objects we need in iron.
Viúva C. Ferreira Pires
Rua Santo António da Sé, nº2 a 12
Herbal teas
Plants for your health. Teas (cha) for a variety of cleansing and treatments.
Ervanária Rosil
Rua da Madalena 210
Our favorite drugstore. Lots of soap brands (this is where we get your Lavanda soap from) but also other cleaning products and perfumes. Best price, best service.
Drogueria Oriental
Rua dos Fanqueiros nº238